Well, this has been on our minds since ages now! It is in the nature of the human being that he didn’t try to find the hidden secret behind the question.
Many people feel that it is their right to pass on the same natural world with their children. Some argue that species they have their own value and right to exist whether humans need them or not. It is in the tendency of creatures to think according to their own prospects.
Our landscapes also reflect our history and contribute to our sense of belonging and our natural world has inspired our imagination, poetry and art for thousands of years.
Biodiversity is the foundation of ecosystem services to which human well-being is intimately linked.
All living creatures need other creatures and plants in one way or another - even if the connection is not so clear. Biodiversity describes the whole range of the different varieties of living things and systems on this earth. It can be found everywhere – it includes animal species, plant species, genes, ecosystems and landscapes.
One best way to describe biodiversity is ‘when one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.’
Resources, such as water, oil, natural gas, wood and food, become less available as we don’t protect our planet. When these become less available, countries may get so desperate for it wars can start over who gets the resource. This can also lead to people accidently making that resource even rarer and less plentiful.
Is this question doesn’t strike on the mind of people that how our life will be without conservation of biodiversity. Conservation is not just important for animals, but to all living things. Many animals like the cod, the dodo and the American passenger pigeon used to be plentiful. But now two of these are extinct and the cod is very endangered. This can only be explained by human actions. Humans would use or eat these animals without being worried about conserving them. Numbers declined until they became extinct or endangered.
Conservation needs to be done by humans to prevent damage to the world caused by humans. Problems like extinction, global warming and wars over resources are only going to get worse unless our young generation and the next few will do something about it. It is important for young people to be involved in conservation because we need to work at it if we want the world to be a better place.
Conservation means a lot because without it ecosystems would fall apart and animals will become extinct. People often care about cute big animals like monkeys, tigers and eagles, but it is just as important to look after animals that are not cute as well, like jellyfish, wasps and cod.
From now let take the pledge toward mother earth:
§ Not to cut trees
§ Not to set fire in the forest
§ Not to pluck flowers – fruits from the tree
§ Not to extract root/tuber from earth
§ Not to extract bark from trees
§ Not to use chemical fertilizer and pesticides on the crops
§ Not to torture, domestic & wild animals
§ To plant multi purpose trees in home yard, farming field & along the road
§ Cultivate indigenous seeds and form of seed/grain banks in each village
§ To conserve rainwater in home, farm and forest
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